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A winning team

Industry leaders

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P & F Global is an expert team

Exceptional service

We select products locally and from around the world, designed ready for purpose and fit for your needs. Whether it’s rural, commercial, civil, industrial or residential.


Our exceptional service and express delivery, ensures everything is on time when and where you need it because, as we all know, time is precious.

culvert install

Drainage supplies

For over 20 years, P&F Global have sourced the most practical and affordable drainage pipes and fittings from around the world. Servicing the rural, commercial, civil, industrial and residential markets, these products are designed fit for purpose for New Zealand’s often challenging conditions.


Quality reputation

P&F Global have an established reputation for exceptional customer service, quality, and commitment and their express delivery ensures everything is on-time where and when you need it. This is backed by an extensive range of over 1,500 products with over 250,000 units in stock at any given time. This means you’ll always have exactly what you need, at the price you need, backed by accessible, knowledgeable and trusted staff.


Charities we support

P&F Global Ltd support the Rapid Relief Team’s work across New Zealand. The Rapid Relief Team (RRT) NZ delivers hope and relief to people across New Zealand. Whether it be fire, flood or humanitarian need, RRT expands their support services to meet the need at hand.