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EUROFLO Culvert Pipe Supporting Safer Roads


EUROFLO Culvert Pipe Supporting Safer Roads

A dangerous corner on Te Waka Road in the Hastings region has been made much safer thanks to a modified road design supported by EUROFLO® culvert pipe.

Hastings District Council identified the in-bend on the corner as too narrow for large trucks and forestry transporters to safely navigate and contracted Berkett Earthmovers to create a safe, costeffective solution.

“To fix the road we had to extend the existing concrete pipe that was there, so we used two EUROFLO® 800mm culvert pipes on the inside of it, to extend it, and filled over it without having to dig the whole pipe out,” says Shane Berkett, Berkett Earthmovers.

“Without EUROFLO® it probably would have been a case of digging it up and starting again because it is really hard to match some of the older-style Council concrete pipes. With EUROFLO® it was a quick and easy fix and we’ve made the corner a whole lot safer.”

The Berkett Earthmovers team say working with EUROFLO® culvert pipes gives them options for their roading projects that aren’t possible with concrete pipes.

“Having the extra length to work with gives us more scope than concrete, and you’ve got the option of using the collared end or just turning it around and running the extension out over the edge of a fill. Basically you can get a lot more done and it’s not as difficult, you can get to places where we just couldn’t with concrete pipe because you’ve got that extra length on it and you know that it’s going to stay there.”

“We’ve used EUROFLO® in a few different jobs now because we’ve found it offers a lot more variety as far as sizing goes for plastic pipes. We’ve also found that, especially in the larger pipe sizes of 800 plus, the quality of the plastic in the EUROFLO® pipes is superior to what we’ve had to work with in the past.” “We’ll be using EUROFLO® again in the future for sure.”

WHAT: EUROFLO® Culvert Pipe 800mm

WHERE: Te Waka Road, Hastings

WHEN: April 2018

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