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EUROFLO delivering durable, efficient installs

large bore EUROFLO culvert pipe

EUROFLO delivering durable, efficient installs

EUROFLO delivering durable solutions, efficient install for projects in Ruapehu region

All the pipes and materials specified in GHD’s roading infrastructure projects meet NZTA’s rigorous standards but the company’s selection process is also driven by efficiency and cost.


GHD Project Manager Chris Hayvice says EUROFLO pipes have been used in numerous projects in the Ruapehu region because they are quicker to install and more affordable than the alternative options.

“For one job we were able to use just four EUROFLO lengths of pipe, in place of what would have been five shorter but much heavier – and therefore harder to work with – lengths of concrete pipe, and at a better per metre rate too.” 

That job saw the contractors using four durable but lighter weight EUROFLO pipes in 5.8m segments, in place of five concrete segments of pipe that would have each weighed 3.2 tonnes.

“The decision to use EUROFLO pipe was also about looking after our contractors because it allows them to work quickly and safely, and reduces the need for heavier machinery. Plastic pipes are much easier to handle.”

“With the quicker installation with EUROFLO pipes they can hire a digger at a per hour cost instead of having to factor in the all-day hire of a digger at a cost of potentially thousands.”

“EUROFLO pipes offer a good price point. By using EUROFLO instead of the concrete alternative in one of our projects, which required 17.5 metres of pipe, we reduced our material costs by $600 but the real saving was in the hundreds of dollars that we saved in time and installation costs.”


The availability of EUROFLO pipes with large diameters, up to 2100mm in SN8 and 1200mm in SN4, also means GHD can engineer culvert solutions for their roading projects that meet Regional Council requirements for fish passage.

One recent project required GHD to design a solution to replace a rusted-through 900mm steel pipe and repair the hole in the road that had appeared above the pipe.

Adding to the complexity of the project was the Regional Council requirements that require culverts to be of a sufficient size and design to allow for unimpeded passage of fish.

GHD was able to specify a 1700mm EUROFLO pipe for the project which allowed 300mm to be embedded into the stream bed – to create a natural habitat with resting places for the fish – while still catering for the heavy flow of flood waters, alongside overland flow paths. 

When the work was carried out the EUROFLO pipe was successfully installed in a day, allowing three neighbouring households access to their properties and the continuation of farming activities around the site.


Longevity and future-proofing are another key consideration for GHD when they specify project materials. EUROFLO pipes are incredibly robust with a projected lifespan of 100 years in New Zealand conditions, giving GHD confidence they’re helping to design durable long-term solutions. 

Download a copy of the case study here