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EUROFLO Tough Enough for Roading Projects


EUROFLO Tough Enough for Roading Projects


Multiple drainage and culvert renewal projects have been carried out in and around roads in the Waimakariri district and they’ve all had one thing in common: they’ve been delivered on time and on budget using EUROFLO® culvert pipes.

“We’re using EUROFLO® products for all culvert replacements and renewals in the area,” says Sicon (previously a separate division of the CORDE brand) senior contract manager Carl Grabowski.

“We’ve used EUROFLO® pipes – generally between 200mm and 600mm diameter – in a range of roading projects, at crossroads, vehicle entrance ways and to address roadside drainage issues.”

“For subsoil drainage we’ve used slotted pipe to lead water from an existing culvert to an existing sump.”

“From our perspective choosing EUROFLO® is a total no-brainer. It’s much lighter and easier to handle than many of the alternatives which means you don’t need heavy machinery to lower it into place, you can just have two guys on site to position it. The safety factor is much better too.”

Sicon’s confidence in the product was also echoed by the Waimakariri District Council roading engineer Ken Avant.

“In all the projects to date the EUROFLO® products have worked really well and proved easy to handle. We have kept an eye on them and there hasn’t been any sign of any settlement or collapse. The EUROFLO® pipes have stood their ground and now they’re our go-to culvert.” 

“Everywhere we put a new culvert in now it’s a EUROFLO®.”

In the wake of Hurunui/Kaikoura earthquake Ken said there are a huge number of culverts that need to be repaired or replaced in the neighbouring Canterbury district and he believed some of these repairs might have been avoided if they had a product like EUROFLO® installed.

“If we had already been using these [EUROFLO® pipes] they wouldn’t have as many to replace because these pipes have got a bit of flexibility, a little bit of give, in situations like that. In the event of an earthquake they could bend a bit without coming apart.”

Before using EUROFLO®, Council had some concerns that a plastic pipe product could only be used for land drainage projects but Carl says they have now seen that it can stand up to strength-tests and recognise it is ideal for roading projects too.

The team at Sicon has been using EUROFLO® products for three years now and Carl says they keep coming back because they can rely on the quality, price and service.

“We are getting same day or next day service and that’s paramount for us. There is rapid development in the region so it is great to have an agent in Christchurch and a yard in Rangiora, which means we can always get the products we need and meet all our project deadlines.

WHAT: EUROFLO® 200mm – 630mm culvert pipe

WHERE: Road projects for Waimakariri District Council

WHEN: 2015 – 2018

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