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Plastic pipes are flexible and although they can support certain external loads by themselves, their real behaviour derives from their deformation as they take on the lateral passive pressure of the ground that surrounds them. As rigid pipes can’t be deformed, they have to be...

It can get a little tricky sometimes when trying to make sure you order the right pipe for the job. Some manufacturers talk in terms of nominal bore, some talk about inside diameters and yet others will send you measurements in outside diameters. So, what...

Are you aware of the wide range of threaded pressure fittings there are available? These threaded pressure fittings can help you in many different ways. Benefits: Reduce the number of fittings used. e.g. by using threaded tees and threaded ball valves Connect directly to equipment with...

Following the rains and recent damage to farms in the north island, farmers should be aware that there may be helpful tax deductions available to them when installing culverts on their farms as part of repairing land damage or even for certain land improvement activities.  Type...

Culvert pipes are key to preventing flood damage to your property. You can use the below as a guide to help maintain, monitor and fix damaged culvert pipes. Maintain Maintenance should be carried out regularly to ensure your culvert pipes are in the best shape to handle...

Check out the applications you can use this in: This modern house has a disaster waiting under its hot water cylinder! Use polypropylene all the way.  Milford High Temperature Waste is a quality polypropylene waste pipe system that has NO LIMIT on temperature of wastewater. Milford High Temperature Waste...