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How deep can you bury a culvert?

Both SN4 and an SN8 EUROFLO culvert can generally be buried up to 6 metres deep. Check Appendix A in the document found here: Further depths may be achieved through engineered solutions.

What is HDPE?

HDPE stands for High Density Polyethylene. It used to be used for pressure water main application. Now PE80 and PE100 material are used. HPPE is still heavily used in the injection molding industry because of the characteristics of the material.

How much cover do I need over the culvert pipe?

The amount of cover will depend of the following factors:

1. How much traffic and how heavy is the traffic? 
2. What is the soil type? 
3. What type of bedding and back fill is used? 
4. How has the back fill been compacted? 

To help answer these questions, go to the EUROFLO Technical brochure 160mm-1200mm found here 
Scroll down to Appendix A, • Table 1 for installation instructions • Table 2 for classification of soil types 
Appendix B • Minimum cover • Types of bedding and back fill • Compaction • Amount of traffic

What size pipe is suitable for my project?

There are many factors to consider when choosing the correct culvert pipe size for you project. 
Some tips are: 

1. Look at what size pipe is upstream and downstream as that influences the flow. 
2. Use our handy Culvert Pipe Calculator to help you figure out what one is best for you 
3. Ask an engineer what flow rate you are working with then go to page 8 on the EUROFLO technical brochure which give you the flow rates of different pipes depending on gradient and fill capacity.

Do you have fittings to match culvert pipe?

Yes, we have a range of fittings suitable for both our EUROFLO and Gateway culvert pipe range, see what is available in our Catalogue

What size EUROFLO pipe do you have available?

We have a large range from 160mm through to 2100mm, to view our full range, see our Catalogue.

What load rating is there on the pipe?

With our recommended minimum cover and the correct back fill and compaction used in the installation, EUROFLO SN4 pipe can manage loading of 50 tons, or a 9 axle vehicle, for more details see our technical brochure.

What is the flow rate on a culvert pipe?

This can be dependent on a number of factors including size of pipe, coefficient of pipe material, gradient and how full the pipe can get. For more details see the flow rate on page 8 of our technical brochure

Can I join EUROFLO to concrete pipes?

Yes you can. For more details see this brochure

Where can I find pricing for culvert pipes?

You can either fill out our online enquiry form, send us a Live Chat message, call us on 0800 99 77 33, or email us at, to get pricing for our range.

What head of water can culvert pipe manage?

EUROFLO culvert pipe can manage up to 0.5 bar of pressure which equates to a 5m head of water.

What’s the different between the green and grey inside of the pipe?

The colour difference helps distinguish between our SN4 and SN8 culvert pipe range, green lining is SN4 and grey lining is SN8. The additional benefit of having a coloured inner lining of the pipe, is in helping check the pipeline with a camera inside as part of pipeline maintenance.

Is your draincoil product classed as highway suitable?

No it isn’t, but our slotted EUROFLO culvert lengths may be suitable for the project, see our catalogue for more details. Or contact us by filling out an online enquiry form, send us a Live Chat message, call us on 0800 99 77 33, or email us at

Do you do punched draincoil?

Yes we do have our EUROFLO draincoils available in 110mm, see our technical specs document for more details. We also have a range of slotted solid lengths of EUROFLO available suitable for large subsoil drainage projects. See our Catalogue for more details on slotted pipe.

Do you have fabric PVC fluming for culvert pipe available?

Yes we do, for more details on the available range, see our Catalogue, or sales brochure.

What’s the SN rating on your pipe?

SN rating is the stiffness strength of the pipe. You can get different SN rating in different ranges. We have a range between SN2 to SN8. For more details on SN ratings and how they are measured, view our white paper here

Do you have engineering data available for EUROFLO pipe?

Yes we do, see our technical brochure for more details.

Is there a chart that shows the coverage required for the civil plastic culverts?

Yes we do, see our technical brochure for more details.

How do you connect EUROFLO to concrete headwalls?

The process is the same as connecting to manholes. See this document for details

Have you go metal corrugated culvert?

No we don’t, we do have only HDPE corrugated twin wall culvert pipe, please see our catalogue for the full range. To see why people use EUROFLO instead of metal corrugated culvert take a look at the comparison here.

Do you have a catalogue for HDPE?

Yes we do, click here to view.

Does concrete pipe last longer than HDPE?

To clarify assumption, concrete pipe don’t guarantee any lifespan. HDPE doesn’t break down and react to the soil like concrete does and has an expected lifespan longer than 100 years. Read documents from the Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia and the European Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association that talk to this.  Typical factors that can limit the life of all pipelines including HDPE are incorrect installation and abrasion resistance. By following installation instructions for ASNZS2566 and in normal water conditions HDPE has a life expectancy of over 100 years.