26 Jan COVID-19 Update
27 January 2022 – New Zealand is currently operating at the COVID-19 Red setting.
Specific procedures have been put in place to protect our staff and customers from COVID-19. These procedures follow the Government guidelines on working from home wherever possible, wearing masks, hygiene, signing in, and observing social distancing.
We have put specific processes in place to ensure the smooth continuation of dispatch in the case of an exposure event.
P&F Global is open and can process your orders now.
Contact us
- By phone on 0800 99 77 33
- By email on sales@pandfglobal.com
- By live chat on pandfglobal.com
We appreciate your patience and your support as we all work through this together to ensure everyone who works with us is safe, while we play our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Further Information
For any information please visit the New Zealand Government COVID-19 website or call Healthline on 0800 933 733.