19 Dec Go-In System Seals the Deal
When it came time to bring an existing section of drainage up to spec and cover in a Council-owned partially open drain, the contractor Thames Drainage wanted to find the best product for the job.
The pipe they were replacing ran between two properties, serviced two houses and carried away a whole lot of runoff water from the hill behind.
“We looked at the job and saw that the pipe had multiple connections going into it,” says Shane Deverill, one of the directors at Thames Drainage, a company with 45 years of experience in the local industry.
“The schedule of works called for a different brand of polyethelene pipes but we knew that it didn’t offer a connecting system and that would mean we’d be cutting holes into the pipe to allow for the connections and then working to seal them back up. ”
Thames Drainage carries out work for Veolia Water, the contractor that looks after the Thames Coromandel District Council’s water and wastewater services, so Shane and his team went back to the contract manager to discuss an alternative.
“I’d recently been introduced to EUROFLO®’s Go-In System and I knew it would allow for the multiple connections, and it would ensure they were securely fitted with the sealing rings and we wouldn’t need to cut into the pipe.”
“If you can avoid cutting holes into pipes and then having to seal them off again, that’s what you want to do.”
Thames Drainage got the green light for the Go-In System from the contract manager, sourced the system through their local Plumbing World in Thames and got to work installing the pipes and fittings.
“It made it very easy. The pipe was light enough that we could carry it in by hand, which was important because the pipes were sitting between two houses and the pipe connections all fitted together easily.”
Shane says it was also clear that the EUROFLO® SN8 pipe they were working with was strong too. “We were walking all over it while we did the job and you could see it was tough.”
“That project was the first time we’d used EUROFLO® and the Go-In System, but we’ll definitely be using it again in the future.”
WHERE: Tararu Road, Thames
PROJECT: Council drainage contract
WHEN: February 2019