In order for us to give you the best advice on your farm drainage needs, we have a service using a drone that maps your farm from above.
This helps us to see what your farm drainage is looking like, to see the good areas and those that may need some additional drainage.
One of our Rural Specialists will visit you on farm at a time that suits you, to map your farm with a drone.
We then use comprehensive calculations from data collected by the drone plus our on farm experience, to design a personalised drainage plan that will make your land more productive.
This is a free, no-obligation service.
No more boggy unproductive paddocks disappointing you season after season. Future-proof your farm for all weather events and ensure you are getting the best return out of your land.
On-Farm Drone Mapping Service Brochure
Using comprehensive calculations from data collected by the drone and our on-farm experience, we design a custom drainage plan that will make your land more productive.
Drainage: best practice, improved practices and new technologies
This article outlines technologies and practices that can help achieve better drainage and create the foundation for more productive land.
How to Plan for Better Farm Drainage
Trying to design and implement an effective drainage system can seem overwhelming with the demands of farm management and day-to-day operations, but the key is to break the process into manageable steps and to make a plan.
Drone Service Delivers Smart Drainage Plan
“So quick and easy” is how Charlotte and Andrew Rayner describe the process of getting a drainage plan and new pipes in place with the help of the P&F Global team and their free drone service.
Better farm drainage with EUROFLO slotted pipe
EUROFLO® slotted pipe has saved a Southland farmer hours of painstaking manual labour and delivered a real improvement in his farm’s drainage.
Trying to design and implement an effective drainage system can seem overwhelming with the demands of farm management and day-to-day operations, but the key is to break the process into manageable steps and to make a plan.
Talk to our Rural Specialists today and see how P&F Global’s FREE drone assessment and drainage planning service can help you design an effective drainage solution for your farm.